Tasha Drive Reconstruction Project

The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) is planning to reconstruct Tasha Drive (from Flamingo Drive to Northwood Street) to meet current MOA design criteria for a local roadway.

Improvements may include:

  • New road foundation
  • New asphalt pavement
  • New curb & gutter
  • Continuous storm drain system
  • Improved street lighting
  • New sidewalk(s) (if warranted)

The MOA has contracted with CRW Engineering Group, Inc. to provide preliminary engineering and design services. The project is funded through the Design Study Report (DSR) phase using local road bonds. Additional funding will be necessary for design and pre‐construction tasks. The earliest construction could occur is in 2025 if funding becomes available.

How to get involved:

  • Attend your monthly Sand Lake Community Council Meeting. 
    Go to this page to see current agendas.
  • Sign up for email updates: Select the link at the bottom of this page to sign up.
  • Contact us anytime with comments or questions at bill.johnson@crweng.com or holly@huddleak.com
  • Check this website periodically for updates.

Recent Project News

No meetings scheduled at this time.

May 2021
Questionnaire (closed)

Map of the Project Area